Body Language and Leadership In Team Building

Experts say that non-verbal communication is as important as verbal — if not, more so. Effective leaders need to be conscious of the power of their own body language and use non-verbal body language to gain rapport, connect, clarify, and win negotiations.

It is important to be sensitive to cultural differences in body language. When in doubt, check out your perceptions thoroughly.


* opening your posture
* if presenting, standing where you can be seen by all
* moving deliberately and for a purpose
* using hand gestures to strengthen and enhance your communication
* not using podiums or other objects to hide behind
* making regular eye contact without staring
* smiling genuinely and nodding
* standing upright with relaxed posture
* amplifying what you are feeling with genuine facial expressions.


* Avoiding eye contact
* Not smiling or faking a smile
* Facing someone at an angle or leaning away from them
* crossing arms or legs when the other person is not
* drooping your shoulders
* gazing sideways and not being fully present
* fidgeting

The Secret for success for one-on-one body language:
Mirror the other person. It is a skill to mirror body language without appearing to mimic or make fun. Try it. People will connect with you instantly and not know why they like you!

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