Do you love to come to work every day?
The Secret Sauce Shared Here
Companies are starting to realize there is more to employee happiness than benefits and perks. People no longer want to “work” for companies, they want to work “with” companies. They want to be an integrated part of the office family and culture.
There are companies out there that people love to work for; Zappos, Amazon, Apple, Google and Toms Shoes are just a few. Employees at these companies proudly brag about their job to their friends and family and to online communities. They wear their company’s brand with pride.
So what is it that companies who are loved by their employees do differently? Here are 4 tips that successful employers follow and so can you.
Be Passionate
Know what makes your company great and be proud of it. Besides making money, why are you passionate about your business and what you have to offer? This will be the number one reason why employees love working for you. If they see your dedication and passion for the business, they will reciprocate that in the work they do. Know what you are passionate about and hire people who share that feeling.
Teach and Grow
People want to work for places that provide opportunities to grow within the business. Create training programs for employees that want to climb the corporate ladder. Offer new job openings to current employees before posting them to the public. Show your employees you care about their career and their advancement in the field.
Create a Community
Workplace culture is the driving force behind why people want to work at a company. Companies like Google offer onsite childcare, free fitness and laundry facilities, free cafeteria privileges, shuttles to and from work, massage rooms and nap pods. While your company may not be able to offer these kinds of perks, there are other ways you can make your employees feel at home on the job. Boost employee moral by holding monthly breakfast meetings. Offer free beverages and snacks in the kitchen to get them through the day. Plan a fun team building event outside of the workplace. After all, a company that has fun together, stays together.
Hire Awesome Employees
According to a survey by TINYPulse, when people are asked “What do you love about your job?”, the most common answer was “the people I work with.” This speaks volumes about the people you hire and the way you manage your team. Employ strong leaders to keep your team on the track to success. Team building days are a great way to get and keep people working together efficiently.
As you transform into a lovable company, make sure people hear about it. Be creative in your job descriptions. Let potential employees know how awesome it is to work for your company. Post photos on social media about where your team has been and what they have done. If you’re doing something great in the community, write a press release about it. Create a testimonials page on your website where clients and employees can brag about how great the organization is. All these things will help you become the company that everyone wants to work for!
Schedule a Team Building Event Today
Larry Lipman of Fun Team Building can create a customized day that addresses the needs of your employees. Schedule an event by calling 770-333-3303 today!