Stop, Collaborate and Listen
The success of your business rests on the shoulders of your employees. That’s why you offer them a raise or promotion, free meals, or put a ping-pong table in the breakroom. But showing appreciation for your employees doesn’t have to be an extravagant event. Just a simple “thank you” can go a long way.
A recent report by TINYpulse, an employee engagement company, showed that all the perks you offer may be irrelevant if employees aren’t also receiving an occasional “thank you” for the work they do. The report compiled data from 30,000 employees across more than 500 organizations concluded that employees who received recognition were much more likely to rate their workplace as fun. More than 70% credited their peers, not perks, for creating an engaging environment. Sadly, 79% of employees polled stated they don’t feel strongly valued for the work they put in.
It seems it’s not what you offer employees, but how you treat them, that plays a key role in workplace morale and satisfaction. Creating bonds and relationships between employees and managers has a strong impact on an employee’s happiness. A positive work environment where workers feel appreciated is the key to a successful business model.
So how do you fix this? Beyond simply thanking your employees, here are a few ways you can create a more positive workplace experience:
Create Collaborative Work Spaces
Saying “thank you” isn’t just the manager or supervisor’s job. In the report, employees noted that their biggest motivator is their peers. Peer recognition is even more powerful than than your boss’ recognition. To enhance the positive workplace culture, try creating a more collaborative work space. Make it easy for employees to gather in a centralized location to work on projects together. One way to do this is to organize cubicles in sections facing inward, so employees can easily discuss projects, but also have privacy when they need to crack down. These collaborative work spaces are a great way to facilitate office friendships. but more importantly gives employees a chance to recognize each other’s efforts.
Room for Growth
When most employees begin working at a place of employment, they expect there to be room for growth in their career. Another big motivator in the workplace is the prospect of moving up the ladder. Employees will be more engaged at work if they know there are opportunities for advancement. Don’t hold your staff back. Make sure they know they aren’t chained to their desk and there is room for advancement, as long as they prove themselves worthy. Have a way to let employees know when a higher position opens up, and what will be expected of them if they wish to assume that role. If you do, you’ll not only retain employees longer, but inspire them to go above and beyond what you expect of them.
Team Building Event
A team building event can help employees in more ways than they realize. It’s more than just a free day off work. It’s a chance for employees to let loose and have some fun. Sometimes work is stifling and boring. To get your employees back to working efficiently, set up a customized team building day with Larry Lipman of Fun Team Building. He can create events to break down barriers and improve communication between your employees. This allows the team to learn more about each other and see things from someone else’s perspective.
Say Thank You With A Team Building Event!
Larry Lipman of Atlanta-based Fun Team Building is ready to help you motivate your team to success. Give Larry a call at 770-333-3303 today to schedule your team building event today.